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IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimizer v12.2

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IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimizer v12.2
IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimizer v12.2 英文正式版(高性能數學編程引擎通過優化將業務問題轉變為數學模型軟體)

check crack\install.txt
高性能數學編程引擎通過優化將業務問題轉變為數學模型,可使用 IBM ILOG CPLEX
提升效率、快速實現戰略以及提高盈利能力。IBM ILOG CPLEX 的數學優化技術支援

健壯的算法可解決各種嚴苛的問題:IBM ILOG CPLEX 使用數百萬種約束條件和變體
來解決問題。 業界領先的支援:IBM 擁有顯著的產品改進和豐富的支援資源來為您
服務。 高性能:IBM ILOG CPLEX 交付了解決非常大型的實際優化問題所需的強大
功能,以及如今的交互式應用所需的速度。 基礎算法:IBM ILOG CPLEX 提供了靈
編程問題。 健壯、可靠:大裝機量有助於我們將 IBM ILOG CPLEX 的每個版本設計
得更出色。每項新特性都在全球最大型、最多樣化的模型庫中進行了測試。 靈活的
介面:IBM ILOG CPLEX 為開發人員提供了豐富方式用於在開發和部署應用期間與之
交互。 新特性:IBM ILOG CPLEX 12.0 最新增強了解決方案的速度和靈活性——更
快速的混合整數編程、默認啟用的並行性能,以及面向流行軟體的新連接器。 支援
的作業系統:AIX、HP Unix、Linux、Macintosh、Sun Solaris、Windows
Improve efficiency, quickly implement strategies and
increase profitability. ILOG CPLEX's mathematical
optimization technology enables better
decision-making for efficient resource utilization.
With ILOG CPLEX, complex business problems can be
represented as mathematical programming models.
Advanced optimization algorithms allow you to
rapidly find solutions to these models.

Today, over 1,300 corporations and government
agencies use ILOG CPLEX, along with researchers at
over 1,000 universities. ILOG CPLEX helps solve
planning and scheduling problems in virtually every
industry. More than 100 of the world's leading
software companies are also ILOG CPLEX customers,
including market leaders like SAP, Oracle and Sabre.

Robust algorithms for demanding problems
ILOG pioneered the development of the algorithms
needed to solve today's most demanding mathematical
optimization problems. ILOG CPLEX has solved
problems with millions of constraints and variables,
and consistently sets new standards for mathematical
programming software speed and reliability.

Industry-leading support
No other vendor can match ILOG's rate of product
improvement or support resources. ILOG is committed
to ongoing innovation in the field of optimization,
protecting your ILOG CPLEX investment well into the


High performance
ILOG CPLEX optimizers deliver the power to solve
large-scale, real-world optimization problems, the
reliability necessary for mission-critical decision
making, and the speed required in today's
interactive applications. It's not just mathematical
excellence that drives ILOG CPLEX performance.
Superior software Engineering manages the complexity
underlying the leading-edge search processes. And
the ability to use multiple CPUs and cores to
automatically divide the work at hand-ILOG Parallel
CPLEX-is available on shared-memory systems under
the standard ILOG CPLEX license.

Fundamental algorithms
ILOG CPLEX comes with the fastest, most reliable
implementations of the fundamental algorithms used
for solving demanding mathematical optimization
problems. ILOG CPLEX provides flexible,
high-performance optimizers used when solving linear
programming, quadratic programming, quadratically
constrained programming and mixed integer
programming problems.

Robust and reliable
A large installed base helps us make ILOG CPLEX
better with each release. Every new feature is
tested on the biggest, most diverse model library in
the world.

Flexible interfaces
ILOG CPLEX gives developers a variety of ways to
interact with it during the development and
deployment of their applications. Whether you use
programming interfaces like C, C++, .NET, Java and
Pythonr, or one of the modeling systems: ILOG OPL
Development Studio, AIMMS, AMPL, GAMS, MPL and
Microsoft Solver Foundation, or key software
products Microsoft Excelr and MATLABr, you will find
a familiar working environment in which to leverage
your investment. Moreover, ILOG CPLEX can be used on
a wide variety of hardware and operating systems for
true portability.

AMPL is a comprehensive and powerful algebraic
modeling language for linear and nonlinear
optimization problems, with either discrete or
continuous variables. ILOG is an authorized original
equipment manufacturer (OEM) of AMPL, which was
originally developed at Bell Laboratories, the
research and development arm of Lucent Technologies.
ILOG offers AMPL in two ways:
1. ILOG AMPL bundled with ILOG CPLEX, which limits
accessibility of ILOG CPLEX to the AMPL modeling
2. ILOG AMPL, as an optional add-on when purchasing
development and deployment licenses of ILOG CPLEX

AMPL is based upon modern modeling principles and
utilizes an advanced architecture, providing
flexibility most other modeling systems lack.
Successfully used in demanding mathematical
programming modeling applications around the world,
AMPL is available on all platforms on which ILOG
CPLEX runs.

AMPL allows modelers to create models with Maximum
productivity. By using AMPL's natural algebraic
notation, even a very large, complex model can often
be stated in a concise (often less than one page),
understandable form. Since AMPL models are easy to
understand, debug and modify, AMPL also makes
maintaining models easy.
  • IBM ILOG CPLEX for AMPL v12.2 英文正式版(高性能數學編程引擎通過優化將業務問題轉變為數學模型軟體)
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  • IBM Rational Rose Developer Pro for Java V7.0 英文專業版(視覺化語言模型製作)

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